I am worried that I don't have enough inventory and so I've been working like a madwoman trying to create extra pieces. More paintings. More gift tags. Wine glasses. More of everything.
Today, I'm working on individual story stones. They're one of my best sellers at shows and I sold so many at the Beeline Bazaar last month that I just felt the need to make more. I sell them for $1 a piece and kids usually love them while any parent is happy to let their kid have a dollar. It adds up fast! And I never sell them individually in my Etsy shop so it's the only place you can buy them this way.
I don't have much blogging time today so that's it for now but if you're local to Memphis, don't forget to come visit me on Saturday at the East Buntyn Artwalk! You can get all the event info here:
Hope to see you there!!!
Hope to see you there!!!
I wish I was in Memphis, I would totally come! Alas...I am in Germany :)