So this past week I've been working on building my own website. It's something that I've been thinking about for a long time and I finally decided to go for it. Being that I'm one of the least tech-savy people I know, it has not been a quick process. Not totally miserable or anything, just not fast.
Why pay money and take the time to build a site? Well, it's something I've noticed that many of the artists I admire have. Sort of a place to tie everything related to my artwork together. I'll still have my Etsy shop and still blog here but my website will link it all together. My shop, my blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest all happily accessible from one site.
If you want, you can check it out here:
Keep in mind though that it is a work in progress. There are still a few glitches that I'm working out, especially on iPad view. Desktop and iPhone view seem to be okay though. And once I get all the little issues worked out, I'll fill it with more content and liven it up a bit. For now it's just bare minimum basic.
You may also notice that it has only canvas art featured. That's something I'm thinking of working towards. My love of art and crafting often have me doing a huge variety of things from painting rocks to canvases to glassware to gift tags. Personally, I like that I like a lot of different things. But I also don't like the lack of clear focus my shop and booth can sometimes have. And one piece of advice I've heard over and over is that I should aim for just one thing. I've been told this and I've read it and heard it in webcasts. I can easily narrow it down to two. Rocks and canvases. But the rocks have become a touch of an annoyance lately so I'm focusing on canvases for now. Back in July I hid a few painted rocks around town for people to find. Less than 2 weeks later, a group was started on Facebook called "901Rocks" where people paint rocks and then hid them all over town. And it went practically viral overnight. Initially I loved the idea and enjoyed watching people get so excited about painting rocks. I've even participated in hiding them around town. But then people at craft fairs began asking if I was the lady who started 901Rocks and when I said I wasn't, they ALWAYS ask if I took the idea from her. I didn't. I've been painting rocks for several years now. The thing about it that bothers me is I don't ever want people to think that I took someone else's idea, twisted it and tried to make money off of it. See, 901Rocks are supposed to be a free thing. My painted rocks are not free. So, until the luster wears off a bit for the whole 901Rocks thing, I won't be selling any individual painted rocks at craft fairs. I will still sell the sets of story stones that I have, including my nativity sets, but once they sell out, I may stop making them altogether aside from any special requests. We'll see. I just hate the thought that anyone could possibly mistake me for stealing an idea and profiting from it. In the meantime I think it will be fun to try and focus on just my canvas painting. It should bring improvements and strengthen my painting skills if nothing else.
I am also gearing up for a show this weekend. I'll be at Bartlett First United Methodist Church this coming Friday 11/4 through Saturday 11/5 from 9-5. My booth is #13 and is located in the corner of the gym. If you're local, stop by and say hi!
You can learn more about the event here:
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