Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Working It Wednesday: Cooper Young Festival!

Okay, okay, so I am aware that I've missed the past several Wednesday blog posts and I apologize. I've been busy busy busy! A nasty little bout of bronchitis had me feeling like I was on death's doorstep for a couple weeks. (I mean, who knew that breathing was so important?) Add in a few overnights of niece-sitting, a mini-trip to St.Louis and a wonderful weeklong trip to Oahu for my 16th anniversary (I have the best husband ever!) and there's little time left for blogging! Oh and most importantly, add in all the Cooper Young Festival prepping! I've done lots of that! I've got 400 painted rocks, 40 painted glasses, 100 painted pendants and bracelets, and 65 canvas paintings. That's the most inventory I've ever had on hand at any one given time. My art room has spilled over into the hallway it's so full! I've got my booth all planned out and my happy helpers lined up. I'm actually a little nervous that I'm forgetting something because I'm basically finished prepping. Like, shouldn't I be in a mad panic rush to finish everything right now? I'm not. And I sincerely hope that doesn't mean I've missed something.

Cooper Young is finally here! It's this coming Saturday the 17th from 9am-7pm! I will be in booth A75, which is located on Cooper near the intersection of Nelson. Sort of across from Soul Fish Cafe. If you are local to the Memphis area, I'd love for you to stop by my booth and say hi!

And if you're local or not, I'd LOVE it if you could send up a few prayers for me! The weather forecast currently shows rain and plenty of it. I've been praying like crazy for clear skies and welcome anyone else who could do the same. The festival has Sunday set as a rain makeup day but that forecast looks wet too. If the whole weekend gets rained out, the festival is cancelled and no booth fees are refunded. If this happens, I will seriously cry. Probably an ugly cry. Nobody wants that. So please, say a quick prayer for sunshine if you could! And if you've got some extra prayers to spare, say a prayer or two that the event runs smoothly for me! Thanks in advance!

I'll post pictures from the event next week but in the meantime, here are a few pictures of things I've been working on!

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